Modern Jewish Ceramics

by Rita Ostrovskaya


Middle sized glazed cups with drawings and writings, decorated with a scraffito technique, developed by myself, coloured with slip- and glaze scrape off.

Low bowls

Little- and middle-sized format, decorated with oxides, writings and glazes in a self developed technique.

Pessah and bread plates

Large- and middle-sized format, designed in a matze–bread–shape or special adorned. It may be used on celebrations to give the bread, or it may be seen as an artwork. The surfaces of the ceramics are decorated with drawings and colored oxides.

Little bowls, cups, teapots

Glazed, slip decorated, surface decoration with glaze, oxides and slip frictions- scrape off, drawings and paintings.


Stands for tea lights, special cups with two handles for the ritual hand washing (netilat jadaim), different vases, decorated basis plates, ceramic boards with drawings and paintings – used as function ware as well as artistic arrangements.